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How to Do Track Changes in Word 2016 for Free

The answer to the question how to do track changes in Word is very easy to understand and you will know it thoroughly in this tutorial.

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2023-04-13 17:06:38 • Déposé à : Word

How to do track changes in Word is a question which is often asked by the Word users. It is a very simple idea which requires no additional tools to get to work. The Google AdWords also show that how to do track changes is a phase which is highly searched on Google. The answer to the question how to do track changes on Word lies in this tutorial. It has been written exclusively to make sure that you get the best outcome and get to know every idea which is related to the subjected question.

How to Do Track Changes in Word All Versions

The process which you need to follow is mentioned as under. Please take a note that it is not about the track changes only. There are several other ideas which are related to it. All these ideas will be discussed in this part of the tutorial. You will get to know that there are many ideas which are related to it. The track changes are actually electronic trace of the change that has been made to the doc.

how to do track changes in word

Step 1. Open a new Word document and you can see the toolbar which is known as main. It is the toolbar that appears by default.

Step 2. On the main toolbar you can see the review section. Hit it to access the contents of it.

Step 3. Here you can see the "Track Changes" option under the tracking option. This is the main button to access for this tutorial. Please take a note that this is not the only option to access the track changes for the Word document.

You will see the menu which is hidden under normal circumstances. There are 3 options which you should choose from to get going with the process.

 how to do track changes
  • The first option is of track changes which you can use to apply the track changes to the document.
  • The second option is that of Change tracking option which is most important of all. Here you can change the size, type and position of the balloon of your track change to make it as per your needs and demands. You can even change the color of the balloon as well as the lines which are associated to the idea of track changes.
  • The third option is of Change user name which you can choose to make sure that the user name of your Word document is changed. Please take a note that this option has nothing to do with this process. It has just been added to make the entire menu clear.

Step 4. Next to the tracking section there is Changes bar which has options of "Accept and Reject". You can accept or reject the track changes from this menu. Previous and next means that you can accept or reject the previous or next track changes as well.

Step 5. You can also right click the "Balloons" to reveal the menu. From this menu you can "Accept" the format change. You can "Reject" the format change as well. Using the same menu you can make sure that the track change is also hyperlinked to complete the process in full.

how to do track changes on word

Tips: PDF VS Word

The PDF format is highly safe and secure which means that you get the best outcome when it comes to data safety. The PDF files can be manipulated with ease and satisfaction to ensure that you get the same feel as that of Word. The PDF format leaves an audit trail which can track the changes if they have been made without approval.

The PDF format can be read over any device you want which means that you enjoy equal readability and can access the document with ease. The PDF format is advised to the large organizations as they always want their docs to be safely transferred.

All-in-One PDF Solution

PDFelement is a program which is highly safe and secure. It means that your PDF data is never compromised at all. The program is highly advised to create PDF files on any OS as it I compatible with all. The PDF manipulation has never been as easy as it is with this program.

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The best part of the program is the fact that it allows the users to overcome the issues which free and substandard PDF editors. PDFelement is highly advised to all type of users. Making this program your ultimate choice will get you the best PDF editor which is on the market.

how to do track changes in word
  • Approve and sign your docs digitally using this program.
  • Make your PDF files safe and secure using the password protection.
  • Perform OCR on specific user defined PDF fields of the users.
  • Convert the PDF files to the CSV, excel, Word and image with ease.
  • Insert page numbers, bates number and page elements using the awesome program.

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Clara Durand

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Accueil > Word > How to Do Track Changes in Word 2016 for Free