Create EPUB from Popular Formats

Wondershare MePub is a powerful and simple EPUB creator, can help you create EPUB files from a variety of file formats like PDF (.pdf), MS Word (.docx/.doc), HTML (.htm/.html), Text (.txt), Images (.bmp/.jpg/.tiff/.png/.gif) and CHM (.chm). The columns, text, images, tables, hyperlinks, graphics, and layout in the original files can be well maintained in the created files.

create epub
convert protected pdf to epub

Support to Create EPUBs from Encrypted PDFs

MePub supports to convert PDF files with permission password protection to EPUB eBooks. It also supports to create PDF files with open password protection to EPUB eBooks with the open password.

Efficiently Create Personalized eBooks

MePub has a batch conversion mode, which lets you add up to 100 files into an EPUB at a time. The conversion speed is super-fast. You can convert a batch of files within a second.

Besides, you can customize book info, layout, and tables of content and select a picture from your computer as a book cover.

flexible epub creation

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